Plano, IL – Southwick Associates, the nation’s premier outdoors market research firm, has announced the fishing brands anglers purchased most frequently in 2015. Results were compiled from the 13,347 internet-based surveys completed by panelists who volunteered to participate last year in Southwick Associates’ polls.

In 2015, anglers participating in the surveys said they purchased Frabill landing nets more than any other brand.

“When it comes to fishing accessories, Frabill is the brand anglers have trusted for over 70 years,” says Plano Synergy Director of Marketing, Ben Rand, who was humbled but not surprised by the recent findings. “Frabill makes the gear that helps ensure a great experience on the water. Like the rest of our product lineup, our popular Conservation Series Landing Nets are engineered and manufactured to provide years of faithful, worry-free service,” he continues


Frabill Conservation Series Nets

Frabill’s popular Conservation Series nets are designed with safe catch and release in mind. All nets feature 100% knotless mesh netting, eliminating fish injuries commonly caused by sharp knots. Flat, linear bottoms on the net bags reduce fish rolling and support weight evenly, while a proprietary tangle-free coating preserves a fish’s protective slime coat and prevents hooks from entangling in the net.

Frabill Conservation Series nets feature extremely durable handles, hoops, yokes and other high-end componentry, and are offered in a series of species-specific designs that make proper net selection easy for any angler.


Frabill Crankbait Series Nets

Designed for quick removal of multiple-hook lures, the specialty netting on Frabill Crankbait Series nets takes the sting out of crankbaits, spoons, topwaters, swimbaits, and any anything sprouting hooks.

“This isn’t just another rubber net. In fact, it’s not just another coated net. This netting was developed after several years of trial and error to perfect its design,” says Freshwater Hall of Fame inductee and Frabill prostaff Tom Neustrom. “From the way the material is woven, to the shape of the loop and the composite of the coating, this netting makes untangling hooks a breeze.”

It all starts with the Crankbait Net’s unique hexagonal mesh that resists snarls from all styles of hooks. Second is the fabric’s knotless composition that further denies hook-points. Third, the meshing is sealed in poke-resistant double-dipped flat-black vinyl coating, which means there’s nothing for even the most razor-sharp hook’s point to penetrate. As well, Crankbait Nets are easy on the fish’s fins, scales and protective slime on account of the flat-bottom blueprint that supports fish head to tail.

Crankbait Nets are now offered in three sizes and on several of Frabill’s most admired hoop and handle options, including the Conservation Series 9517, 9521 and 9522, and the Conservation’s saltwater-safe 9510 and 9512, as well the Tru-Trax 3813 and 3814 and Sportsman Net’s 3443 and3444.

Don’t be afraid to ladle up a lunker net time one smashes a crankbait. Frabill’s new Crankbait Nets take the crankiness out of fishing…and that’s definitely a high-five moment.