Smile for the Camera!
Underwater optics reveal the hardwater habits of America’s #1 sportfish
Crosslake, MN (November 27, 2019) – Prevailing notions would have you believe bass don’t much care for the cold. That when winter arrives and seals lakes with ice, big green and brown bass skulk about, and certainly don’t care to bite.
The truth is, bass might be the most under-fished species of willing biters all through the frozen water period. Capturing their under-ice antics with an underwater camera adds a whole other level of bass-catching fun.

Aqua-Vu HD10i Pro Gen2
Mike Hehner, photographer and producer for Brainerd, Minnesota based Lindner Media Productions has been on the forefront of the hardwater bass movement. Hehner and other top anglers like Ontario’s Aaron Wiebe, believe winter bass are worthy of more angling attention due to the species’ sporting qualities. But both anglers also beg for careful conservation, catch-and-release and selective harvest of small specimens only.
“Because winter bass like to hide and hunker down in cover just like they do in summer, I’ve always got my Aqua-Vu camera along for the ride,” says Hehner. “The camera shows fish in true-life color, while sonar can have a tough time picking up fish signals between aquatic plants.”
“Bass are a lot more active under the ice—all winter long—than most folks realize,” says Hehner. “Chasing them and getting them to bite is incredibly fun with an underwater camera. And you learn a ton. Winter days on most lakes—even with dozens of other anglers around— rarely is anyone else paying attention to what might be the best big fish game in town.”

