Custom Jigs & Spins

“The One” for Walleyes

Coralville, IA – An exciting new reality is sweeping across the walleye waterscape, and livebait has nothing to do with it. Ditto for bass and big, beautiful crappies. The hype’s for…


A Monster In the Woods

PLANO, IL  – This beast is no myth. Standing 7’ tall and leaving a 6’ by 6’ footprint, the new-for-2016 Ameristep Sanctuary Blind is confirmed to exist. The largest five-hub…

Wildgame Innovations

Deer Hunting’s Liquid Gold

Deer pee. It’s the only scent product many deer hunters use. But a variety of urine products are available, and knowing what to use and when is the key to…


Happy Hunting

Plano, IL – Hunters know the rewards of any trip afield aren’t always headlined by downed game. The things that make for a pleasant experience outdoors are actually quite varied, and…

St. Croix Rods

Behind the Carbon Curtain

Park Falls, WI– Joey Fransway wanted to celebrate his son Josh’s graduation from high school in a memorable way. At the time, who knew the Cincinnati, Ohio pairing would find…


Anglers Gearing up to Find the $50,000 Fish

ARKANSAS, U.S.A.  — The Natural State’s largest fishing tournament is set for liftoff June 24-26, 2016. $100,000 in prize money and bragging rights are up for grabs along the Arkansas…

Old Town

New School Trout Fishing Boat

Old Town, ME – TV journalist and angler Tom Brokaw once said, “If fishing is a religion, fly fishing is high church.” In the liturgical sense, okay, there are a few…

Wildgame Innovations

The Tale of the Tape

Dallas, TX  – Hunters measure their success in different ways. For some, success is defined by making a lethal shot at a known range. For others, it’s measured by antler…


KVD’s Comeback: In His Own Words

Eufaula, AL – Bass fishing is a lot like any sport. Fall into a slump and critics crawl out of the woodwork.  And with today’s multitude of media, there are way too…


Hello Darkness, My Old Friend

Traverse City, MI– The sundial ticks. Mere days remain and the first day of summer will be upon us. The few weeks leading up to the summer solstice—the longest day…