Hundreds of thousands of snow geese migrate through Kansas on their way northward, but it’s also common for geese in northwest Missouri, Nebraska, and South Dakota to quickly jump back south into Kansas when the going gets rough further north. No doubt, Kansas is consistently one of the best states to chase snow geese during the CO.
“As of a few days ago, we were covered up with birds, snow geese were everywhere. But, with this cold snap and snow many of them moved back south. I’m confident we’ll start seeing them return this weekend and it should be phenomenal hunting from there on out. I wouldn’t be surprised if we see birds into April,” said Native Thunder Outfitters owner and guide Cole Smith, located outside Great Bend, Kansas.
Smith says there are still some CO dates available – for more info check out www.huntnativethunder.com
The Show Me State’s position as a snow goose stronghold is indelibly marked in the CO hunter’s mind. From the Bootheel in the southeast to the mid-flyway Mother Ship snow goose stronghold at Loess Bluffs NWR near Mound City in northwest and just about everywhere in between, Missouri is a no-brainer for much of February and March, and this season may go later than normal.
“Lots of adult snow in my area of central Missouri,” said Walden Chevalier Jr., owner of Central Missouri Wildlife located about an hour east of Kansas City in the powerhouse Missouri River waterfowl migration corridor. “Just guessing at a number of 200K-plus snow geese in the area. It’s extremely cold this week but they’re toughing it out, and we begin warming up by the end of this week.”
Like all snow goose hunters in the northern fringe of inhabitable snow goose country, Chevalier is banking on the coming warm-up to push stale adult birds northward and cycle in some fresh, juvenile birds.
For more info check out the Central Missouri Wildlife website.